Are You in Hot Water . . . Or, Just All Wet and Freezing?

White bathtub in bathroom with potted tree

There’s nothing like the comfort or soothing of warm hot water.  Don’t take it for granted, however, because behind every tub, shower or heated pool there is hardworking hot water heater that needs your attention.  Hot water heaters, especially in the hard water Southwest, need an annual flush to keep them in top shape and carefree for a year.

Like clockwork, Phil faithfully calls once a year with a reminder that it is July and time to flush the hot water heater that keeps the tubs, spas and showers flowing in our homeowners association community.  Well, truthfully, it is time for Phil to come by and flush our tankless water heater. I’ve done it myself many times and it is easy to do, but life gets busy for everybody and the help is now welcome.… Continue Reading Are You in Hot Water . . . Or, Just All Wet and Freezing?