Richard George, PG, CEG
Richard has nearly 30 years experience in field geology following completion of his undergraduate degree at the University of California, Riverside. His formal education extended beyond his degree with some graduate school and work-related, environmental and engineering geology courses.
Through his career, he has primarily worked in engineering and environmental geology, including forensic evaluation of foundation problems for repair and/or litigation, geologic mapping, subsurface soil exploration, landslide investigations, Alquist-Priolo fault studies, Phase I and II environmental assessments, exploration for commercial aggregate, slope safety inspections at open pit mines, and petrographic aggregate analysis.
Most of Richard’s work has involved smaller projects and close association with other professional workers and clients. Some of the large projects Richard has participated in include: fault evaluation of 6,000 feet of trenches for a 500-acre project in Rancho Cucamonga; geologic investigation, mapping and grading control for multiple large residential projects in Corona, Tustin, and Palm Desert; mapping, evaluation, and mitigation recommendations for the Rim Forest landslide; and a comprehensive leachate study at seven Southern California landfills.