Rain and Slope Stability

Rainy, wet roadsIn the last several weeks Southern California has received much needed rain, helping to alleviate the state’s drought conditions. It’s critically important to our ecosystem that we get enough rainfall each year. However, it can be devastating to property owners and to public areas, especially if a property is not properly prepared to handle large amounts of it. Areas of concern can range from water intrusion into buildings to unstable slopes becoming mud slides.

If a property has issues with water intrusion or slope stability, it is important that you ensure proper steps are taken to resolve the issue. Water intrusion can lead to serious environmental health issues, such as mold growth. In addition to any mold issues, water trapped inside a building can mix with other substances in the building and can lead to contaminated standing water that could pose a risk to anyone coming in contact with the water.

If a property has issues with water intrusion or slope stability, it is important that you ensure proper steps are taken to resolve the issue.

Unstable slopes can move very slowly or very quickly, and lead to property foundation issues as well as safety hazards. This is especially true for burn areas of Southern California, where many communities are located in hilly, forested areas. A slope failure should be quickly corrected, and common solutions include retaining walls and drainage system installations.

Have you experienced water intrusion or unstable slopes due to recent rains? Helfrich-Associates can help! Our firm has years of experience dealing with water intrusion insurance claims, as well as preparing engineering recommendations for slope stabilization. We’ll visit your property, and develop an appropriate plan of investigation and repairs. Emergency repairs and actions will also be recommended, if necessary, to protect your property. These emergency actions may include installing sandbags and temporary drainage devices, plastic sheeting, sump pumps and piping, or other appropriate solutions. Contact us to learn more.

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